Wednesday, April 7, 2010

NY story #1- Timing is everything.

I take the A or C train from the High Street stop in Brooklyn to my studio in Soho.  I was pleased to board a C train which goes direct to our Spring Street stop; otherwise I take the A train and transfer at Canal Street for one stop.  As the train pulled into the Canal Street station, the doors stayed open and an E train, which also stops at Spring Street, pulled in across the platform.  I was in a hurry and debated with myself about which train would leave first.  I looked around and one woman was hanging by the doors, obviously with the same dilemma; others walked across and got on the E train.  I decided to stay put, as did the woman standing nearby.  Of course, the E train left the station first and we were left waiting.  I took this as a sign that “today is not going to be a lucky day."  The woman across from me and I looked at each other and shrugged in recognition that we both had made the wrong choice.  Several minutes later we arrived at our stop.  The woman walked up the stairs ahead of me and then she stooped down and picked up 3 dollar bills on the sidewalk that someone must have dropped.  As I passed her I said, “this is your lucky day after all” and walked away in good cheer.  It’s all in the timing.

1 comment:

  1. love this story and all the photos. what a great idea for a blog!!
